Journal of Dali University

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National Policy Since the Founding of PRC and the Change of the Custom of "Small Marriage"#br# of Huayao Dai People in Xinping, Yunnan

Li Jinlian, Li Xiaowei   

  1. College of Marxism, Chuxiong Normal University
  • Received:2019-04-17 Revised:2019-05-05 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-07-15

Abstract: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "small marriage" custom of Huayao Dai people in Xinping county
of Yunnan province had become inconsistent and conflicted with the country's Law of Marriage. In the 1970s, the local government
adopted a sudden strike method to intervene in the "small marriage" custom of Huayao people, but had achieved little effect. Since the
reform and opening up, under the influence of the policies of "family planning", land, people's livelihood and education, the traditional
"small marriage" custom of Huayao Dai people has also undergone major changes with the changes of society.

Key words: reform and opening, national policy, Huayao Dai people, small marriage, change